Thursday, May 23, 2013

Count how many times your Wordpress login page has been requested

With all of the hacking and botnet activity probing Wordpress sites the past few months, you might wonder how many times your Wordpress login page (wp-login.php) has been requested. Here's a command that you can run from the terminal prompt to see:

/home/user $ grep -c wp-login access.log
On my personal Wordpress site, I found the following results:
  • May 5th to 12th - 598 http requests 
  • May 12th to 19th - 7,555 http requests
  •  May 19th to 22nd - 55 http requests
Very interesting indeed.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

VBS Script to pull Computer/Server Model information

SystemName = "localhost"

set tmpObj = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & SystemName & "\root\cimv2").InstancesOf ("Win32_ComputerSystem")
for each tmpItem in tmpObj
  MakeModel = trim(tmpItem.Manufacturer) & " " & trim(tmpItem.Model)
Set tmpObj = Nothing: Set tmpItem = Nothing

msgbox MakeModel