Saturday, March 17, 2012

Reset the admin password on a 3Com 3824 (3c17400)

How to reset a lost/unknown admin password on a 3Com 3824 Gigabit Ethernet Switch (p/n 3C17400):
  1. Connect a null modem serial cable to the front Console port on the switch, and plug the other end of the serial cable into your laptop or desktop computer.
  2. Run Hyperterminal or PuTTY. Set the COM port values to 19200 Baud, 8 Data Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit, No (None) Flow Control.
  3. Power up the switch. You should see a bunch of diagnostic information scroll by. Eventually your screen should go blank.
  4. Press Enter on the keyboard a couple of times and you should get to a Login: prompt.
  5. Type in recover as the username and the password. You should see a warning about resetting the switch and a countdown from 30 seconds.
  6. Power off the switch before the 30 seconds countdown. Wait a few seconds and power on the switch.
  7. You should see a bunch of diagnostic information scroll by again. Eventually you will be given a new prompt to change the admin password. Type in your new password. It becomes effective immediately.